Join me on DIMO! Use my referral code and we'll both receive 50 $DIMO after you connect your first vehicle: NTBR2P Then go to the Shop And Pick Up Your Dimo LTE R1. GET 10% OFF using the referral code TYLEREDWARDS10 for purchasing the Dimo LET R1 I've had it for 5 days and it's already paid $2.32 not counting the $50 referral I'll get. If you want a $50 referral you put purchase a device and drive 1 day per week for 4 weeks. Here's the link for that referral. It doesn't start the timer until y0u have the device plugged into you car. Input this code in the app, you can't miss it, it begged me for a code NTBR2P - $50 IS YOURS. tHAT'LL PAY FOR MOST OF THE LTE Device or Half or the Caracas Plus a discord you can talk to people about the rewards.