English^^英语^ area^a particular space, region, or section ^区域^特定空间、区域或部分 attic^the space just below the roof of a house ^阁楼^屋顶下面的空间 boasting^to talk, too much or with too much pride about oneself; brag A bragging statement ^吹牛^谈论太多或过于自豪自己;吹牛吹牛的言论 buffalo^a large North American animal that has a big shaggy head with short horns and a hump on its ^水牛^一种北美大型动物,长有蓬松的大头,角短,头顶有驼峰 canyons^a deep valley with very high, steep sides ^峡谷^两侧高而陡的深谷 capture^to catch and hold a person, animal, or thing ^捕获^抓住并抓住一个人、动物或东西 ceiling^the inside overhead surface of a room ^天花板^房间内部的顶面 combine^to cause to mix together; blend ^结合^使混合在一起;混合 comforting^to ease the sorrow or pain of someone ^安慰^减轻某人的悲伤或痛苦 concert^a performance, usually a musical performance by a number of musicians ^音乐会^一场表演,通常由多位音乐家进行的音乐表演 crooked^not straight; bent or curving ^歪^不直;弯曲或弯折 crops^plants that are grown to be used as a food or to be sold for profit ^农作物^种植用于食用或出售以牟利的植物 dawn^the first light that appears in the morning ^黎明^清晨的第一缕阳光 disguised^to change the way one looks in order to hide real identity or to look like someone else; ^伪装^改变自己的外貌以隐藏真实身份或让自己看起来像别人; equator^an imaginary line around the Earth It is halfway between the North and South Poles ^赤道^地球周围的假想线,位于南北极的中间 gripped^to take hold of firmly and tightly ^紧紧抓住^紧紧抓住 groaning^to make a deep, sad sound ^呻吟^发出低沉悲伤的声音 hero^a person who is looked up to by others because of his or her great achievements of fine qualities ^英雄^因其高尚品质和伟大成就而受到他人敬仰的人 humans^A person Being or having to do with a person or persons ^人类^一个人或与一个人或多个人有关 loops^to make a rounded shape formed by the part of a string, wire, or rope that crosses itself ^循环^用绳子、金属线或绳索的一部分交叉起来形成一个圆形 model^a small-sized copy of something To make or design something ^模型^某物的小尺寸复制品制作或设计某物 nectar^the sweet liquid formed in flowers ^花蜜^花中形成的甜液体 palace^a very large, grand building where a king, queen, or other ruler usually lives ^宫殿^国王、王后或其他统治者通常居住的非常大、宏伟的建筑 powdered^made into fine bits by grinding, crushing, or crumbling ^粉末状^通过研磨、粉碎或破碎制成细小的碎片 report^an account, statement, or announcement, often formal or prepared for the public ^报告^一份帐目、声明或公告,通常是正式的或为公众准备的 subject^something thought or talked about; a course or field that is studied ^主题^思考或谈论的事情;研究的课程或领域 talented^having or showing talent ^有才华的^拥有或展现才华 temperature^the degree of heat or cold Temperature is often measured with a thermometer ^温度^热或冷的程度 温度通常用温度计测量 towering^very tall; lofty ^参天^很高;崇高 wrap^to cover by putting something around ^裹^用某物覆盖 abandon^to leave without intending to return; desert ^放弃^离开而不打算返回;逃离 baleen plates^tough, flexible bristles hanging from a whale’s top jaw ^鲸须板^鲸鱼上颚上悬挂着坚韧而柔韧的鬃毛 black widow^a black spider The female black widow is poisonous and has a red mark on her body ^黑寡妇^一只黑蜘蛛,雌性黑寡妇有毒,身上有红色斑纹 bronco-busting^the act of taming and training wild horses ^野马燃烧^驯服和训练野马的行为 conductor^a person who leads a group of musicians A person on a train or bus who collects fares and ^导体^带领一群音乐家的人火车或公共汽车上收取车费和 conjunto^a kind of band that plays drums, accordion, guitar and bass ^联合体^一种演奏鼓、手风琴、吉他和贝斯的乐队 continue^to go on or do after stopping; to keep on happening, being, or doing; go on without stopping ^继续^停止后继续或做;继续发生、存在或做事;不停地继续下去 examined^to look at closely and carefully; check To question in a careful way or test, usually to ^已审查^仔细地、仔细地观察;检查仔细地提问或测试,通常是为了 integrated^to make open to people of all races; to bring parts together into a whole ^融合的^向所有种族的人开放;将各个部分组合成一个整体 Mark McGwire^a famous baseball player who hit 70 home runs ^马克麦奎尔^一位打出 70 个本垒打的著名棒球运动员 meal^The food served or eaten at one time Grain or other food that has been ground ^一顿饭^一次提供或食用的食物 谷物或其他已磨碎的食物 mobbed^to crowd around in excitement or anger; a large number of people; crowd ^围攻^兴奋或愤怒地聚集在一起;大量的人;人群 ostrich^a large bird that has a long neck, long, strong legs, and a small flat head The ostrich is the ^鸵鸟^鸵鸟是一种大型鸟类,有长脖子、长而有力的腿和小而扁平的头。 Paotze^youngest child ^保兹^最小的孩子 ribs^Something that looks like or acts as a rib One of the curved bones that are attached to the ^肋骨^看起来像或充当肋骨的东西连接在肋骨上的弯曲骨头之一 translated^to say in or change into another language ^已翻译^用另一种语言说或换成另一种语言 whirling^turning around quickly in a circle ^旋转^快速转圈 daddy long-legs^a kind of bug that looks like a spider A daddy-longlegs has a small, round body ^长腿爸爸^一种看起来像蜘蛛的虫子,长脚蜘蛛的身体又小又圆 jingled^to make or cause to make a tinkling or ringing sound ^叮当作响^发出或导致发出叮当声或铃声 label^a piece of cloth, paper, or other material that is fastened to something and gives information ^标签^一块布、纸或其他材料,固定在某物上并提供信息 lasso^a long rope with a loop A lasso is used to catch animals To catch with a lasso ^套索^带环的长绳 套索用于捕捉动物 用套索捕捉 nopalitos^edible, freshly cut cactus pads ^仙人掌^可食用的新鲜仙人掌垫 Sammy Sosa^a famous baseball player who hit 66 home runs ^萨米索萨^击出 66 个本垒打的著名棒球运动员 sanitation^the protection of people’s health by keeping living conditions clean ^卫生^保持生活环境清洁,保护人民健康 Tao^plump, middle sister ^陶^丰满的二姐 tough^Not easy to break, cut, or damage; strong Able to put up with difficulty, strain, or hardship ^艰难的^不易折断、割断或损坏;坚固,能忍受困难、压力或艰辛 vibration^rapid movement back and forth or up and down ^振动^上下快速移动 wit^the ability to make clever, amusing, and unusual comments ^智慧^能够做出聪明、有趣和不寻常的评论 empanadas^sweet turnovers filled with sweet potato or squash ^馅饼^甜馅卷饼,馅料是红薯或南瓜 adobe^a sandy kind of clay used to make bricks Bits of straw are sometimes mixed with the clay, and ^土坯^一种用来做砖的沙质粘土,有时会将稻草碎屑与粘土混合, antennae^one of a pair of long thing body parts, such as that on the head of an insect or a lobster ^天线^一对长形身体部位之一,例如昆虫或龙虾的头部 avoid^to keep away from ^避免^远离 banners^a flag or other piece of cloth that has a design and sometimes writing on it ^横幅^一面旗帜或其他带有图案或文字的布 crafty^skillful in deceiving; sly; cunning ^狡猾^善于欺骗;狡猾;狡猾 creeps^to move slowly along the ground or over a surface ^小兵^沿着地面或表面缓慢移动 echoes^the repeating of a sound Echoes are caused when sound waves bounce off a surface ^回声^声音的重复当声波从表面反射时会产生回声 equipment^anything that is provided for a particular purpose or use; supplies ^设备^为特定目的或用途而提供的任何东西;用品 experiment^a test that is used to discover or prove something by watching results very carefully To ^实验^通过仔细观察结果来发现或证明某事的测试 experts^a person who knows a great deal about some special thing ^专家^对某些特殊事物非常了解的人 fable^a made-up or untrue story; a story that is meant to teach a lesson ^寓言^虚构或不真实的故事;旨在教育孩子的故事 flexed^to bend ^弯曲^弯曲 hurl^to throw hard and fast; fling ^投^快速用力地投掷;猛掷 journey^a long trip ^旅行^长途旅行 koala^a furry, chubby animal that lives in Australia ^考拉^生活在澳大利亚的一种毛茸茸、胖乎乎的动物 mammal^a kind of animal that is warm-blooded and has a backbone ^哺乳动物^一种有脊椎的温血动物 mesquite^a tree or shrub native to the Southwestern U S and Mexico ^牧豆树^原产于美国西南部和墨西哥的树木或灌木 mock^not real; imitation; to make fun of in a mean way ^嘲笑^不真实;模仿;以卑鄙的方式取笑 musician^a person who is skilled in playing a musical instrument, composing music, or singing ^音乐家^擅长演奏乐器、作曲或唱歌的人 pollution^the act or process of polluting Harmful materials such as certain gases chemicals, and ^污染^污染有害物质(如某些气体、化学物质)的行为或过程,以及 route^a road or other course used for traveling ^路线^用于通行的道路或其他路线 ruin^harm or damage greatly Destruction, damage, or collapse ^废墟^严重损害或损坏 破坏、损坏或倒塌 saguaro^a tall, sparsely branched cactus native to the Southwestern United States and Mexico ^萨瓜罗^一种高大、枝条稀疏的仙人掌,原产于美国西南部和墨西哥 section^a part of an area or group; a part taken from a whole, portion ^部分^区域或群体的一部分;从整体中取出的一部分,部分 souvenir^something that is kept because it reminds one of person, place, or event ^纪念品^因让人想起某个人、某个地方或某个事件而被保留下来的东西 stems^the main part of a plant that supports the leaves and flowers ^茎^植物的主要部分,支撑叶子和花朵 traded^to give one thing in return for something else ^交易^用某物换取另一物 weight^the amount of heaviness of a person or thing ^重量^人或物的重量 wilderness^a natural place where no people live In a wilderness there may be a dense forest and wild ^荒野^无人居住的自然场所荒野中可能存在茂密的森林和荒野 woven^formed or made by lacing together thread, yarn, or strips of straw or other material ^编织^通过将线、纱、草条或其他材料编织在一起而形成或制成 battering^to hit over and over again with heavy blows ^殴打^用重拳反复打击 beauty^a quality that makes a person or a thing pleasing to look at, hear, or think about ^美丽^使人或事物看起来、听起来或想到时令人愉悦的品质 behavior^a way of behaving or acting ^行为^行为或行动的方式 bother^to give trouble to; annoy ^打扰^给……添麻烦;惹恼…… calm^not moving; still ^冷静的^不动;仍然 cents^a coin of the United States and Canada ^美分^美国和加拿大的硬币 clams^an animal that has a soft body and a hinged shell in two parts ^蛤蜊^一种身体柔软、壳由两部分组成的动物 coal^a black mineral that is burned as a fuel to heat buildings or make electricity Coal is mostly carbon ^煤炭^一种黑色矿物,可作为燃料燃烧来加热建筑物或发电,煤炭的主要成分是碳 considering^to keep in mind ^考虑^记住 correct^not having any mistakes; accurate; to mark the mistakes in, change to make right ^正确的^没有任何错误;准确;标记错误,修改以使其正确 darkness^a partial or total absence of light; the result of a light going out ^黑暗^部分或全部没有光;灯熄灭的结果 delighted^to have or take great pleasure ^高兴极了^非常高兴或感到高兴 discovered^To notice; come upon To see or find out for the first time ^发现^注意到;偶然发现第一次看到或发现 enormous^much greater than the usual size or amount; very large ^巨大的^比通常的尺寸或数量大得多;非常大 fans^a person who is very interested in or enthusiastic about something ^粉丝^对某事非常感兴趣或热衷的人 gazed^to look at something a long time A long steady look ^凝视^长时间注视某物长时间注视 halfway^to or at half the distance; midway ^半^到达或位于距离的一半;中间 handful^the amount the hand can hold at one time; a small number ^少数^手一次可以握住的量;少量 ill^not healthy or well; sick ^患病的^不健康或不适;生病 kingdom^a country that is ruled by a king or a queen ^王国^由国王或女王统治的国家 members^a person, animal or thing that belongs to a group ^成员^属于某个群体的人、动物或事物 perform^to sing, act, or do something in public that requires skill ^履行^在公共场合唱歌、表演或做一些需要技巧的事情 period^a portion of time; a punctuation mark used at the end of a declarative or an imperative ^时期^时间的一部分;陈述句或祈使句末尾使用的标点符号 printer^a person or company who business is to print books, magazines, or other material An ^打印机^以印刷书籍、杂志或其他材料为业务的个人或公司 prongs^one of the pointed ends of an antler or of a fork or other tool ^叉子^鹿角、叉子或其他工具的尖端之一 respect^high regard or consideration; to have or show honor or consideration for ^尊重^高度重视或考虑;尊重或考虑 shallow^not deep ^浅的^不深 skills^the power or ability to do something ^技能^做某事的力量或能力 snug^fitting very closely or tightly ^舒适^非常紧密或紧贴 stumbled^to lose one’s balance; trip ^跌倒^失去平衡;绊倒 applaud^to show approval or enjoyment of something by clapping the hands ^鼓掌^通过拍手来表示对某事的赞同或享受 bobbed^to move up and down or back and forth with a jerky motion ^短发^以急促的动作上下或前后移动 brain^the large mass of nerve tissue inside the skull of persons and animals The brain controls the ^脑^人和动物头骨内的大量神经组织大脑控制 brief^short in time ^简短的^时间短 claws^a sharp, curved nail on the foot of a bird or animal ^爪子^鸟或动物脚上的尖锐弯曲的钉子 cork^the light, thick outer bark of a kind of oak tree ^软木^一种橡树的轻而厚的外皮 den^a place where wild animals rest or sleep ^巢穴^野生动物休息或睡觉的地方 designed^to make a plan, drawing, or outline of; make a pattern for An arrangement of shapes, parts, ^设计^制定计划、绘图或轮廓;为形状、部分的排列制作图案, eager^wanting very much to do something ^渴望的^非常想做某事 eons^a very long period of time ^万古^很长一段时间 expects^to think, suppose ^期望^思考,假设 feast^to have a feast; eat richly A large, rich meal on a special occasion ^盛宴^大吃一顿;丰盛地吃一顿在特殊场合吃的丰盛大餐 fuels^something that is used to produce heat or power by burning ^燃料^通过燃烧产生热量或动力的东西 gift^something given, a present; talent, ability ^礼物^给予的东西,礼物;才能,能力 hatch^to come from an egg ^孵化^来自鸡蛋 insects^any of a large group of animals without a backbone The body of an insect is divided into three ^昆虫^一大群没有脊椎的动物,昆虫的身体分为三部分 legend^a story passed down through the years that many people believe but that is not entirely true ^传奇^这个故事流传了很多年,很多人都相信,但这并不完全正确 located^1 )to put or settle in a particular place; 2 )to find the place or position of ^位于^1) 放置或安置在特定的地方;2) 找到...的地方或位置 mistakes^something that is not correctly done, said, or thought ^错误^做、说或想的不正确的事情 persisted^to continue firmly and steadily ^持续^坚定不移地继续 pouches^A small bag that can be closed A natural pocket of skin in the shape of a bag for carrying ^袋装^可闭合的小袋天然皮袋,形状像袋子,方便携带 prey^an animal that is hunted by another animal for food ^猎物^被另一种动物猎杀以寻找食物的动物 pure^Nothing but Not mixed with anything else ^纯的^什么也没有 但未与其他任何东西混合 rubble^rough, broken pieces of stone, rock, or other solid material ^瓦砾^粗糙、破碎的石头、岩石或其他固体材料 sloth^a slow-moving animal that lives in the forests of South America Sloths use their long arms and ^懒惰^生活在南美洲森林中行动缓慢的动物树懒用它们的长臂和 snipping^the act or sound of cutting with scissors in short, quick strokes ^剪接^用剪刀快速、短促地剪切的动作或声音 spinnerets^an organ for producing silk threads through the secretion of silk glands ^喷丝头^通过丝腺的分泌产生丝线的器官 steamship^a large ship that is powered by steam ^轮船^蒸汽驱动的大型船舶 switched^to change ^已切换^改变 triumphant^successful or victorious ^凯^成功或胜利 arachnids^any of a large group of small animals without a backbone The body of an arachnid is ^蛛形纲^一大群没有脊椎的小动物,蛛形纲动物的身体是 blossoms^the flower of a plant or tree, especially one that produces fruit To have flowers or blossoms; ^开花^植物或树木的花,尤其是产生果实的花; compared^to study in order to find out how people or things are alike or different ^比较的^研究以找出人们或事物的相同或不同之处 consonant^a letter of the alphabet that is not a vowel ^辅音^字母表中非元音的字母 conversation^talk between two or more persons ^对话^两人或多人之间交谈 costume^clothes worn in order to look like someone or something else ^戏服^为了看起来像其他人或物而穿的衣服 crystal^something that certain substances form when they change into a solid Crystals have flat ^水晶^某些物质变成固体时形成的东西 晶体有扁平 dozens^a group of twelve ^几十^十二人一组 earthquake^a shaking or trembling of the ground Earthquakes are caused by rock, lava, or hot gases ^地震^地面的摇晃或颤动地震是由岩石、熔岩或热气体引起的 energy^the capacity for doing work Some forms of energy are light, heat, and electricity ^活力^做功的能力 某些形式的能量包括光、热和电 frequently^happening often; taking place again and again ^频繁地^经常发生;一再发生 furniture^tables, chairs, beds, and other movable articles used in a home or office ^家具^家庭或办公室使用的桌子、椅子、床和其他可移动物品 guard^a person who is assigned to watch over things; to keep safe from harm or danger; protect ^警卫^被指派看管事物的人;保护免受伤害或危险;保护 haughtily^thinking of oneself as much better than other people; in an arrogant way ^傲慢地^认为自己比别人好得多;以一种傲慢的方式 including^to have as part of the whole; contain ^包括^作为整体的一部分;包含 invisible^not able to be seen; not visible ^无形的^看不见;不可见 jagged^having sharp points that stick out ^锯齿状^有突出的尖角 kinship^a relationship or close connection ^亲属关系^关系或密切联系 mustang^a wild horse that lives on the American plains; bronco ^野马^生活在美国平原的野马;野马 New World^North and South America; the Western Hemisphere ^新大陆^北美洲和南美洲;西半球 orchestra^a group of musicians playing together on various instruments The area just in front of a stage ^乐队^一群音乐家一起演奏各种乐器舞台前面的区域 paced^to walk back and forth across ^节奏^来回走动 petition^a formal request that is made to a person in authority; to make a formal request to ^请愿^向权威人士提出的正式请求;向 pitcher^a baseball player who throws the ball to the batter ^投手^将球投给击球员的棒球运动员 porcupine^a forest animal whose body is covered with sharp quills ^豪猪^全身长满尖刺的森林动物 scientific^having to do with or used in science ^科学^与科学有关或用于科学 social^living together in organized communities ^社会的^在有组织的社区中共同生活 starve^to suffer from or die of hunger ^饿死^挨饿或饿死 treat^something that is a special pleasure ^对待^特别高兴的事 vast^very great in size or amount ^广阔的^尺寸或数量非常大 adult^having grown to full size; mature ^成人^已经长至正常大小;成熟 bores^to make a hole in ^钻孔^在...上打洞 celebrated^to observe or honor a special day or event with ceremonies and other activities ^著名^用仪式和其他活动来纪念或纪念特殊的日子或事件 discuss^to talk over, speak about ^讨论^谈论,谈论 dragonflies^an insect that has a long, thin body and two pairs of wings ^蜻蜓^一种有细长身体和两对翅膀的昆虫 El Jardin^a neighborhood restaurant ^埃尔花园^附近的一家餐馆 embarrass^to make someone feel shy, uncomfortable, or ashamed ^使尴尬^让某人感到害羞、不舒服或羞愧 future^the time that is to come ^未来^即将到来的时刻 gain^to get or develop as an increase or addition ^获得^获得或发展为增加或附加 gingko^a tree with fan-shaped leaves and yellow fruit ^银杏^一种有扇形叶子和黄色果实的树 gradual^happening little by little; moving or changing slowly ^循序渐进^一点一点地发生;缓慢地移动或变化 grains^a tiny, hard piece of something; the seed of wheat, corn, rice, oats, and other cereal plants ^谷物^一小块坚硬的东西;小麦、玉米、大米、燕麦和其他谷类植物的种子 interrupted^to break in upon or stop a person who is acting or speaking ^中断^打断或阻止某人正在做事或说话 invented^1 )to make or think of for the first time; create 2 )to make up ^发明^1)第一次制作或想到;创造 2)弥补 length^the distance from one end to the other end ^长度^从一端到另一端的距离 mischievous^playful but naughty ^恶作剧^顽皮 miserable^very unhappy; wretched Causing discomfort or unhappiness ^悲惨的^非常不高兴;悲惨造成不适或不快乐 pennant^a long, narrow flag that is shaped like a triangle ^三角旗^一面狭长的三角形旗帜 rapidly^very quickly; fast ^迅速地^非常快地;快地 rescuers^someone who saves or frees people or animals ^救援人员^拯救或释放人类或动物的人 scattered^to spread or throw about in various places; to separate or cause to separate and go in ^疏散^散布或扔到各个地方;分离或导致分离并进入 scene^the place where something happens; a part of an act in a play or movie ^场景^发生某事的地点;戏剧或电影中某一幕的一部分 schedule^the time at which something is supposed to happen ^日程^某事预计发生的时间 screeched^to make a shrill, harsh cry or sound ^尖叫^发出尖锐刺耳的叫声或声音 shelter^to find or take refuge; to give shelter to; something that covers or protects ^庇护所^寻找或避难;庇护;遮盖或保护的东西 solve^to find the answer to ^解决^找到答案 struggles^to make a great effort ^斗争^尽力而为 triangle^a musical instrument made of a metal bar bent in the shape of a triangle A figure or object with ^三角形^一种由弯曲成三角形的金属棒制成的乐器,带有 vanished^to go out of sight or existence ^消失了^消失于视线或存在之外 visitors^a person who visits ^访客^访问的人 anxious^wanting very much; eager Nervous, worried, or fearful about what may happen ^焦虑的^非常想要;渴望对可能发生的事情感到紧张、担心或害怕 appendix^a short, hollow pouch that is attached to the large intestine ^附录^连接大肠的短而空心的囊 beliefs^a feeling that something is true, real, or worthwhile ^信仰^对某事真实、真实或有价值的感觉 blubber^a layer of fat under the skin of whales, seals, and some other sea animals ^大声哭^鲸鱼、海豹和其他一些海洋动物皮下的一层脂肪 curious^eager to know or learn ^好奇的^渴望了解或学习 disaster^an event that causes much suffering or loss ^灾难^造成巨大痛苦或损失的事件 entire^having all the parts; with nothing missing ^全部的^拥有所有部分;没有缺少任何部分 eucalyptus^a tall evergreen tree or shrub that grows in warm climates ^桉树^生长在温暖气候下的高大常绿乔木或灌木 excitement^the condition of being excited ^激动^兴奋状态 faded^to lose freshness; wither To lose or cause to lose color or brightness ^褪色^失去新鲜度;枯萎失去或导致失去颜色或亮度 flowed^to move along steadily in a stream ^流动^顺着溪流稳步前进 furious^very angry ^狂怒^很生气 hurricane^a storm with very strong winds and heavy rain ^飓风^暴风雨 inning^one of the parts into which a baseball or softball game is divided ^局^棒球或垒球比赛的其中一个部分 longhorns^a breed of cattle with very long horns Longhorns were once common in the southwestern ^长角牛^一种长角牛,长角牛曾经在美国西南部很常见 mimic^to imitate, especially in order to make fun of ^模仿^模仿,尤其为了取笑 motion^the act of changing place or position; movement ^运动^改变地点或位置的行为;运动 paloverde^a tree native to the desert ^帕洛韦德^沙漠原生树 percussionist^one who is skilled in playing percussion instruments, such as the drum, cymbal, xylophone, ^打击乐手^擅长演奏打击乐器的人,例如鼓、钹、木琴、 piñata^a colorfully decorated container originally used in Latin American Christmas and birthday ^皮纳塔^一种色彩鲜艳的容器,最初用于拉丁美洲的圣诞节和生日 ripe^fully grown and ready to be eaten ^成熟^完全长成并可供食用 royal^of or pertaining to a king or queen or their family ^皇家^或与国王、王后或他们的家人有关 score^the points or a record of the points made in a game or on a test; to make a point or points in a ^分数^在比赛或考试中获得的分数或分数记录;在比赛中获得一个或多个分数 sedentary^doing or requiring much sitting, not active ^久坐^坐着或需要长时间坐着,不活跃 serious^dangerous, not joking; sincere ^严肃的^危险,不是开玩笑;真诚 squid^a sea animal with long tentacles used as food for whales ^乌贼^一种有长触手的海洋动物,用于鲸鱼的食物 surrounded^to be on all sides of; form a circle around ^被包围^在…的四面八方;在…周围形成一个圆圈 Sweden^a country in northern Europe ^瑞典^北欧的一个国家 tarantula^a hairy spider that is found in warm areas ^狼蛛^生活在温暖地区的毛茸茸的蜘蛛 unbearably^in a way that is unendurable or unable to be tolerated ^难以忍受^以无法忍受或无法容忍的方式 northern lights^shining bands of light that can be seen in the night sky in the Northern Hemisphere ^北极光^北半球夜空中可见的闪亮光带 accept^to receive or admit, often with favor or approval, to take something that is given ^接受^接受或承认,通常带有青睐或赞同,接受给予的东西 advice^an idea how to solve a problem or how to act in a certain situation ^建议^如何解决问题或在特定情况下如何行动的想法 bitter^having a biting, harsh bad taste ^苦的^有刺鼻、难闻的味道 completely^thoroughly, totally ^完全地^彻底地, 彻底地 decimals^a period put before a decimal fraction; a fraction with a denominator of 10, or a multiple of 10 ^小数^小数前的句号;分母为 10 的分数,或 10 的倍数 encouraging^to give courage, hope, or confidence to; urge on ^令人鼓舞^给予勇气、希望或信心;敦促 funnel^a utensil that has a wide cone at one end and a thin tube at the other ^漏斗^一端有宽锥体、另一端有细管的器具 heap^a collection of things piled together ^堆^一堆堆的东西 herds^a group of animals that live or travel together ^畜群^一群一起生活或旅行的动物 instinct^a way of acting or behaving that a person or animal is born with and does not have to learn ^本能^人或动物与生俱来、不需要学习的行为方式 instrument^a device for producing musical sounds A device used for doing a certain kind of work; tool ^乐器^产生音乐声音的装置用于完成某种工作的设备;工具 insulated^to cover or surround with a material that slows or stops the flow of electricity, heat, or sound ^绝缘^用某种材料覆盖或包围,以减缓或阻止电流、热量或声音的流动 krill^tiny, pale pink, shrimp-like creatures the size of a person’s little fingers ^磷虾^微小的、淡粉色的、虾状的生物,大小与人的手指相当 liquid^a form of matter that is not a solid or a gas A liquid can flow easily It can take on the shape ^液体^一种非固体或气体的物质形式 液体可以轻松流动 它可以呈现形状 Lon Po Po^a wolf ^伦婆婆^一只狼 magnified^to make something look bigger than it really is ^放大^使某物看起来比实际更大 marveled^to feel wonder and astonishment ^惊叹^感到惊奇和惊讶 pattern^the way in which colors, shapes, or lines are arranged or repeated in some order ^图案^颜色、形状或线条按一定顺序排列或重复的方式 peaks^a high mountain, or the pointed top of a high mountain; a sharp or pointed end or top ^峰^一座高山,或一座高山的尖顶;尖锐的或尖锐的末端或顶部 portion^an amount of food served to one person ^部分^一个人吃的食物量 prairie^flat or rolling land covered with grass A prairie has few trees ^草原^平坦或起伏的土地上长满青草,草原上树木稀少 produce^to make or create something ^生产^制造或创造某物 season^any special part of the year; one of the four parts of the year, spring, summer, fall, or winter ^季节^一年中的任何特殊时期;一年的四个部分之一,春季、夏季、秋季或冬季 seized^to take hold of; grab To get control of, capture ^扣押^抓住;抓住以控制,夺取 soldiers^a person who is a member of an army ^士兵^军队成员 strip^to pull off ^条^完成 toucan^a bird that has a heavy body, a very large beak, and colorful feathers ^巨嘴鸟^身体很重,喙很大,羽毛色彩鲜艳的鸟 unusual^not usual, common, or ordinary ^异常^不常见、不平常或不普通 within^in or into the inner part or parts of ^之内^在或进入内部或部分 almanac^a book that gives facts about the weather, the tides, and the rising and setting of the sun for ^年鉴^一本介绍天气、潮汐、日出日落情况的书 astonished^to surprise very much; amaze ^惊讶^非常惊奇;使惊讶 attack^to begin to fight against with violence; assault; the act of attacking ^攻击^开始用暴力反抗;攻击;攻击行为 autograph^to write one’s name in one’s own handwriting; a person’s signature written in that person’s ^签名^用自己的笔迹写出自己的名字;用自己的笔迹签名 cleats^a projecting piece on the bottom of a shoe that gives it grip ^防滑钉^鞋底上的突出部分,使鞋子具有抓地力 communicate^to exchange or pass along feelings, thoughts, or information ^交流^交换或传递感情、想法或信息 crate^a box made of wooden slats ^箱^用木板条制成的盒子 crumble^to break into small pieces; to fall apart or be destroyed ^崩溃^破碎成小块;散架或被毁坏 deaf^not able to hear, or not able to hear well ^聋^听不见,或者听不清楚 drifts^something that has been moved along or piled up by air or water currents ^漂移^被气流或水流移动或堆积起来的东西 feelers^a part of an animal’s body that is used for touching things ^触角^动物身体上用来接触物体的部分 haunches^a part of the body of a person or animal including the hip and upper thigh ^臀部^人或动物身体的一部分,包括臀部和大腿上部 hesitated^to wait or stop a moment, especially because of feeling unsure ^犹豫了^等待或停止片刻,尤其是因为感到不确定 imaginary^existing only in the mind; unreal ^假想^只存在于思想中;不真实 lease^to rent; a written agreement for renting a house, apartment, or land ^租^租赁;租赁房屋、公寓或土地的书面协议 Little League^a baseball league for children under thirteen years of age ^小联盟^十三岁以下儿童棒球联盟 mammal^a kind of animal that is warm-blooded and has a backbone ^哺乳动物^一种有脊椎的温血动物 pedestrian^a person who travels on foot; walker ^行人^步行旅行的人;步行者 relatives^a person who belongs to the same family as someone else ^亲属^与他人属于同一家庭的人 remains^1 to be left To stay behind in the same place ^遗迹^ 被留下留在原地 reply^something said, written, or done in answer To answer in speech, writing, or action ^回复^用言语、文字或行动回答 Shang^eldest and most clever sister ^尚^最聪明的大姐姐 solar^using or powered by the energy of the sun having to do with or coming from the sun ^太阳的^利用或依靠太阳能提供动力的与太阳有关或来自太阳的 straighten^to make or become straight; to put into proper order ^拉直^使或变直;置于适当的顺序 stunned^to make unconscious ^目瞪口呆^使无意识 swallow^to cause food to pass from the mouth to the stomach A small bird with long wings ^吞^使食物从嘴巴进入胃部一只长翅膀的小鸟 tall tale^a made-up story or exaggerated story; a tale too fantastic to believe ^荒诞故事^虚构的故事或夸张的故事;难以置信的故事 trimmed^to cut away or remove parts to make something neat and orderly ^修剪^切掉或移除部分以使某物整洁有序